Signs of Awakening
This Podcast is not for everyone... but many will decide to tag along!
I said this in the original portuguese version episode, and I didn't expect the number of messages I received from people speaking up. The same, at a smaller extent happened to this version of the show… Thank you, and don't stop speaking up.
Today, more than telling you about the symptoms of an alleged awakening, I want to demystify this thing called energy and the energetic being that we are. Without traditionalism, with the least amount of dogma possible, and with the objectivity that the subject deserves. I won't delve into the fairy tales of namaste philosophy from social media, and I hope you don't think we'll be talking about ridiculous dimension ascensions.
We're going to talk about you and me as energetic beings. We'll understand the nuances and symptoms of change, and we'll learn how to navigate the path with that information.
My name is Mário Portela... Welcome to the fourth episode of my podcast. I've already turned on the virtual noise blocker... let's have a conversation, just the two of us!
We are all magical beings and exist in pure magic, whether we understand it or not. The human being is much more than its physical body, and even if we already consider our mental side as a complementing body, we will continue to be more than our personality and memories. We are living and dynamic energy, whether we call it chi, ki, prana, life force, ions and tachyons, or vibration.
Let's say we are the interdependent combination of three bodies: the physical body, the mental body, and the energetic body. This energetic body is composed of constant and everlasting energy, with natural variations when in contact and interaction with external energies of various types.
Each of us is a focal point of energy, a unique energetic being that possesses its own energetic signature in the vibrational world. Yes, the vibrational world... it's not science fiction... it's something that is the foundation of science, of physics, in general. Everything is vibration (light, sound, movement...).
If your individual energy is not aligned in a way that allows the flow of new frequencies during this transition, you may go through overwhelming moments or situations for your mind and body.
Common symptoms of energy overload often include: spikes of illogical anxiety, headaches with sensitivity to light, localized pains in the body without physical cause, mysterious lower back pain, infectious physical reactions without external agents involved, a pandemic of depression, disparate emotional states, mental confusion, tremors, sleep difficulties, and neurological dysregulation.
Think of it this way: when we put too much energy, or different energy, into an electronic device (like plugging a 110-volt transformer into a 220-volt outlet), it's highly likely that the device will suffer damage from trying to deal with that energy or even burn out completely. The fault lies not with the energy or the electronic device itself... the problem lies in the clear incompatibility.
There are countless explanations and scientific demonstrations about this new energetic flow and new vibration or frequencies. I could even explain in detail why they are manifesting now and not before. However, that will be the subject for another podcast and not for this episode, which aims to be short and practical.
In order to more easily integrate and process the energy that now surrounds us, there are two things you need to accomplish.
Firstly, the vibration of your body must be compatible with the vibration of the energy it receives. In other words, your trinity of bodies should vibrate as closely as possible to the energetic levels of its environment. The frequency emitted by your thoughts plays a crucial role here. Positive, organized, realistic, and loving thoughts produce more stabilizing and suitable frequencies, while dense thoughts, dogma, dependence, and fear will work against you. So, watch out!
Secondly, understand that every part of your body (physical, mental, and energetic) must be free from emotional blockages for the flow to be constant and unhindered. Emotional blockages occur when we hold conflicts and tensions within ourselves. Any uncontrolled belief can result in an emotional blockage somewhere within you, and resolving it will be a complex task directly proportional to the intensity with which you cling to that blockage. We will notice these blockages at every step when energy fluctuations try to flow through our bodies but get obstructed, inevitably creating an emerging need for resolution. It's an energy that stagnates, densifies, and will inevitably interfere with your energetic system and, of course, your physical and emotional body.
Remember, your body never lies to you. If you pay attention to every manifestation of it, you will understand what you need to work on and what you need to release. The more dense and stagnant energy remains in your body, the more it will attract physical difficulties, pain, emotional stress, and anxiety. Your body is much more than a simple electronic device, and the more you allow the new frequencies to flow and settle, the greater its adaptation and compatibility will be. You will quickly begin to witness a paradigm shift within yourself, in your body, in your very being.
So, let's embrace this new vibration and unlock the full potential of our existence. It's time to let go of old patterns, align with the higher frequencies, and embark on a journey of personal growth and transformation. Are you ready to step into the limitless possibilities that await you? Get ready to soar to new heights and experience life like never before!
I promised to talk to you about some of the symptoms inherent in this process that we all go through in one way or another (especially the younger ones). And I couldn't start without addressing the changes in sleep patterns.
Sleep disturbances such as hot feet, waking up two or three times during the night, feeling tired and sleepy after waking up, especially after a night full of dreams or nightmares. Despite what outdated guidelines may say, the Pattern of 3 Sleeps, which often occurs in many people, is characterized by sleeping for about 2-3 hours, waking up, falling asleep again for another 2-3 hours, waking up again, and eventually falling asleep for another 2-3 hours... It's a perfectly natural pattern that suits quality sleep. It has been scientifically proven in studies over the past 5 years that the notion of needing uninterrupted 8-hour sleep is a mistake. In fact, if we read books from before the 18th century, we'll find several references to the "first sleep" and the second and third ones.
Some people have already seen changes in their sleep needs, sleeping less and even experiencing energetic surges from their heads to their feet.
What should you do with this symptom? Get used to it without pressure or stress. Don't worry about not sleeping the amount that is considered necessary in the popular saying. You will be able to handle the day just fine if you think you have the right amount of sleep you need. Don't give in to the temptation of taking sleeping pills just because. If you can't fall asleep during the night, use that time to meditate, read, write your journey diary, or expand your spiritual horizons. Your body will adjust to the new pattern.
Another sign, which usually affects empathetic people first, is the sudden wave of emotion that affects our behavior. Compulsive crying without sadness or being emotionally on edge are symptoms of developing emotional vibration, making the reins of emotions clear.
You should not confuse this sensation with moments of anguish or sudden sadness, as these characterize energetic imbalances rather than expansion and often arise from our inability to deal with the past and its traumas.
What to do with this symptom? Accept your feelings as they arise, embrace your condition as an emotional being, and live your emotions more and more harmoniously. Feel the emotional content of the energy, expand it to all your bodies (energetic, mental, and physical), and breathe deeply from the navel to the upper chest. Feel the emotion and let it dissipate using breathing techniques and meditative practices. Do not direct your emotions towards anyone, as it is your past that is being cleansed and dissipated.
Finally, another sign of energetic change is the amplification of the five basic senses.
Disturbances in vision, flickering objects, observation of sparkling particles, seeing auras and energetic densities in people, plants, animals, crystals, and other objects can occur. When you close your eyes, you no longer see darkness but a kind of reddish hue. You may see geometric shapes, bright colors, and pictures when your eyes are closed or at the beginning of a meditative process. This is becoming an increasingly common symptomatic picture, and unfortunately, many people see it as a problem... but it's not. If this is your case, your vision is changing in various ways; you are getting to know new ways of seeing. You have to experience it with patience. Whatever happens, don't be scared. Blurry visions can be relieved by shifting your gaze or momentarily changing your focus.
If your case is in the auditory field and you feel an increase in auditory capacity, hearing noises in your head like beeps, buzzing, sounds, music, or electronic distortions. There are also those who experience what is called auditory dyslexia, meaning they can't always understand what others are saying, as if they can't understand their own language. Some people hear strange voices in their dreams or wake up with a certain song in their ears that they haven't heard in a long time or have never heard before. Once again, accept it with patience... let yourself go. Listen! Your ears are adjusting to new frequencies.
Less common, especially after this COVID period, there are those who experience an intensification of the sense of smell, touch, and/or taste. Some become aware that they can now detect the smell and taste of chemical additives in certain foods, in a rather unpleasant way. On the other hand, some foods start to taste wonderful. For some people, this intensification of the senses is as marvelous as it is entertaining. It may be possible to smell the fragrance of flowers here and there. Many mystics do. Embrace the evolution.
Episodes of intense energy that make you want to jump out of bed and take action, followed by periods of lethargy and unexplained fatigue, seem to alternate in your daily life. If this happens to you, realize that you are simply more attuned to your body and able to decode the rhythms of your bioenergy. Fatigue usually follows significant changes. Embrace it, for this is a time of integration where you must truly rest and meditate upon yourself.
During moments of sudden energy, it is meant to be used, not squandered. Granted, if it comes on too strong, it can be a bit uncomfortable. Some people decode this energy through temperature spikes, feeling unexplained cold or heat that can take a couple of hours to stabilize. I advise you to simply meditate on the matter and not turn it into a source of stress. Often, if you don't utilize this energy, you are wasting something that belongs to you and has its purpose.
However, I want to assure you that things take time but they stabilize and create a new pattern. By using all these frequencies, you will feel lighter and lighter as you cleanse emotional baggage, gain clarity, let go of social limitations, and release limiting beliefs as well as the heavy baggage of the past. Your frequency has changed. Love yourself more!
Dreams have been the subject of study for many years, and there are even those who write silly books about dream meanings. Nowadays, dreams are becoming increasingly vivid, and you might already be one of those who experience what are called lucid dreams, where at times, dreams are so real that you wake up feeling confused. You may also have lucid dreams, where you are in control of the events. Many dreams can be mystical or bring messages, but remember that not everything is a divine message or communication from beyond (quite the opposite). Don't force anything. Above all, do not be afraid and avoid resorting to dream interpretation books. Such books are commercial traps for the gullible and ill-informed.
One of the biggest challenges of being someone who experiences one or more of these symptoms is the strange feeling of being different, that everything in your life seems new and altered, that you have left behind who you used to be. And you have! You are greater than you can imagine, and there is more to come!
Awakening brings significant changes in how you see the world, how you perceive life, how you communicate with others, in your tolerance, and even in the search for your own place. This is a process that has barely begun. To traverse it peacefully, maintain a balanced sense of self, take pride in the trinity of bodies you possess—physical, mental, and energetic. They are attuning to their own frequencies and require lucidity and clarity that can only be achieved if you respect and love yourself like never before.
Along the path, "teachers" and guides appear everywhere, at the right moment, to assist you in your spiritual journey – people, books, lectures, movies, events, glimpses of Mother Nature... These "teachers" may seem negative or positive, but from a transcendent perspective, they are always perfect because they provoke the most logical learning process for you in that moment.
Remember that you will never receive more than what you are prepared to handle, not because some God has defined it that way, but because the energetic content of a given situation or event belongs to you and is therefore energetically aligned with your frequency. Each challenge presents an opportunity for us to prove our mastery in overcoming it.
I know it's trendy to be spiritual, but I couldn't finish without warning you that you should follow the advice from previous podcasts. Protect yourself...
First and foremost, protect yourself from misinformation and trends that try to control you. Don't fall for the commercial charm of "ultra-pasteurized, multidimensional, angelic, geocosmic contracts" from opportunists disguised as the New (C)age movement. Don't engage in unnecessary "kundalini liberations," and remember that you are a self-sufficient island where you will find the majority of the answers. If you know any bioenergetic techniques (such as Reiki or Prāna Bhakti), educate yourself on how to align and protect yourself. On the other hand, if you don't know any, seek a trustworthy teacher with whom you feel empathy and learn from them.
And so, today's podcast comes to an end. Perhaps it was a bit less uncomfortable than usual, but still controversial, as always.
Now, before we wrap things up, I have one crucial piece of guidance for you, and it's all about how you treat yourself. You're on your own island, and it's on that island that you should cultivate the greatest amount of self-care. Our energetic frequency increases when we congratulate ourselves, speak kindly of our bodies and decisions, build unwavering self-love, and acknowledge ourselves as functional, positive, and active beings.
Of course, along the way, there's a lot that gets lost... but we know that in order to gain, we must first lose.
That's right, walk fearlessly, even if others disagree. Let them call you self-centered and selfish! It's just an uninformed opinion.
But remember, don't overdo it!
And not overdoing it is precisely the topic of our next podcast, which you definitely won't want to miss, right?
If you've listened this far, it's surely because it resonated with you and maybe you're even experiencing many of these signs already. Otherwise, you would have tuned out and called me crazy. So, from where you stand, I offer you my sincerest and deepest gratitude, sprinkled with a smile.